YouNeek Productions
Pan Dental | Meet the Team

Pan Dental | Meet the Team


Our relationship with Pan Dental is a long term partnership that began midway through 2023, with the content we’re sharing here centred around the meet the team series. The team at Pan Dental are amazing. As soon as we met them, we knew they had to be front and centre of everything we capture.

Whilst the first few months established content for social media and the website, we were always working towards creating meet the team content. The people at businesses is what makes them different. This is certainly the case at Pan Dental.

We produced this series from the start as we were given the reigns for the ideas. Local to us, there’s a great studio that allowed for a professional and stylish set up. This alone, created a point of interest away from their normal back drop. Making them stand out from their competition too.

For the team, they stepped into a new environment providing an ideal setting for the meet the team series.


For the meet the team series, we worked with 6 members of the team. The set up was for them to interview each other to allow for natural conversation rather than talking heads or pieces to camera.

One thing that becomes obvious, and we always keep in mind when working with experts in their profession – it’s that they’re not used to being on camera. It makes people nervous, and that’s normal. We are great at calming those nerves and directing people to deliver the best performance they can. In this case, it was to let them talk to each other. Let them ask the questions and move the conversation to places they want it to go.

We filmed 5 conversations in total. Each lasting between 5 and 10 minutes. They looked great, and sounded great. Each of them delivered the authenticity we aimed for, and meant we had the best versions of them for others to see through the meet the team series.

We knew with filming the content in long form, we would be able to take short snippets of each conversation. These would form the focus of the content we were working on regularly with Pan Dental. In addition they have the whole conversation available for future, different uses.


The outcome was brilliant. The team came out of the shell and from a viewing perspective we felt we really got to meet the team. They excelled being in the positions they were, it looked great and we think they all learned something new about each other.

Putting yourself in the shoes of the prospective customer and viewer, knowing why someone got into dentistry or the profession they’re in is endearing. It’s authentic. It can make a difference to the viewer wanting to go there or not. So the outcome to this video and all of the others was a really genuine final product.

Other elements of the outcome included 5 full conversation videos in long form. But these allowed for 3-5 snippets from each conversation. We also filmed quick fire Q&A’s with each team member. All in all, we produced almost up to 35 videos during a half day of filming.

Done with organisation, efficiency and a willingness for the client to follow our creative direction.

A closeup image of a camera lens

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